Not the best on Newgrounds
Yes, it's good, and the animation is smooth and the action keeps coming and it's cool to watch.
BUT, I think this has got a way too great score. First of all, it's not really original, because stick men fighting movies like these has existed since anyone can remember! Two stickmen with fancy magical weapons, no voice, no clothes, no face, etc. I'm getting tired of these, and I'm a bit surprised that other people aren't.
You could have got someone to voice act for this. And you could actually made them real guys, with emotions and clothing and all that. If that was the case, I would have been really amazed. You could have, at leas,t written the lines without gramathic flaws.
Another thing missing is more space. The movie is 2-dimensional. I think you could have risen the quality and the thrill by making the characters be able to move into the scene, and at least change camera angles from time to time! This is too similar all the other 2d stick fight Flashes!
I've seen lots of better films on Newgrounds, I'm afraid.